Advent is the beginning of our new liturgical year within the Catholic Church. But, I believe it is more than just a beginning of another cycle, it is a reminder to all of us that we must be like Mary in order to see God's work come to fruition. Although Advent prepares is for Christmas, it is the image of Mary herself that stands out because without Mary's 'yes' to Gabriel, the Messenger of God, there is no history of Salvation.  

In Luke 1:42, Elizabeth praises Mary with the words, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb." This moment is profound in the history of salvation, highlighting not only Mary's humility but also the depth of her faith in accepting God's call. When Mary responds to the angel's message, she does not simply act out of a sense of duty or fear. Instead, she gives a radical response, rooted in trust and love, to the divine will.

Mary shows us what true obedience looks like. She does not accept her role as the mother of the Savior as a mere obligation but as a heartfelt cooperation with God's grace. Her "yes" to God's plan is not passive or reluctant; it is a complete and active surrender to His will. In this act, we see that obedience is not simply about following a command but about entering into a relationship of trust, love, and faith with God.

Mary’s willingness to be the mother of Jesus is not just a submission to a divine order—it is a conscious, active participation in God’s redemptive work. Through her acceptance, she becomes the vessel through which salvation enters the world, carrying within her the very Son of God.

Through this example, Mary teaches us that obedience is not about compliance but about aligning ourselves with God’s purpose for our lives. It is an open, loving response to His plan, no matter how difficult or unknown the path may seem. Mary's "yes" is a model for all of us, inviting us to participate actively in God's plans, trusting Him as she did.

By humbly saying yes to God's will, Mary not only gave us Jesus but also continues to guide us to Him. Her life demonstrates that obedience, when rooted in love and trust, becomes an act of profound collaboration with God's grace, allowing His salvation to flow into our lives and the world.

Mary's complete obedience to God invites us to reflect deeply on our own readiness to respond to His calls in our lives. She trusted God without question, without knowing the full extent of the challenges she would face. Her "yes" to God was not just a momentary act, but a profound commitment to follow His plan, no matter where it would lead. This kind of trust requires great humility, surrendering our own will to God's greater purpose.

As we consider Mary's example, we must ask ourselves: Are we able to trust God in the same way? Can we accept the paths He has prepared for us, even if we do not fully understand them? In the face of life's uncertainties and difficulties, can we say "yes" to God with the same faith and courage that Mary did? Her willingness to embrace God's plan for her life is a challenge and an inspiration for all of us.

Even those who may not fully recognize Mary's central role in the Christian faith cannot help but be touched by her example. Though some Protestant brothers and sisters may not venerate Mary, the very act of accepting Christ implies an acknowledgment of the woman who bore Him, nurtured Him, and raised Him in faith. By venerating Christ, we honor, in a sense, the one who made His life on earth possible—Mary, His mother.

Mary's "yes" to God not only gave us Jesus but also continues to guide us toward Him. Her life serves as a beacon of light, showing us the path of obedience, love, and service. Mary’s example is not limited to one time or place; it is a model for every believer, calling us to embrace God's will with humility and faith, just as she did.

Prayer: God of love, help me to accept Your will in my life, especially during moments of heartache and challenges. Like Mary, I long to be a vessel of Your grace and light. I want to carry You within me, sharing Your mercy and love with others through Your Son, Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit. May my life be a reflection of Your faithfulness, and may I always walk in obedience, trust, and love. Amen.

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