At one point or another in our lives, we may have come across the saying “we all are born with a guardian angel to guide us.” This is mostly valid during baptisms and funerals because those are the two main celebrations for humans: BIRTH and DEATH and this is where we express most of our fear. But, we are indeed surrounded by spiritual beings that watch over us incessantly. There are other beings that are also around, but we must call on to them when we need their assistance.
Angels are beings that are mentioned in the Bible and have appeared in a lot of other holy books in the world as winged forms that exist with and in God. The Angelical host (or the Angelology) is divided into 4 levels: Angels, Seraphim and Cherubs with Archangels being the highest of them all. In some religions, Archangels are celestial beings in charge of proclaiming the mysteries of God and who are held in higher celestial ranking than the rest of all other angels. Each one of them is a Being of Light. The Book of Enoch mentions that there are seven Archangels. Jude Thaddeus (our Store Patron Saint) verifies it in his Epistle telling us:
“Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” (Jude 1:14-15)
Although the Bible only mentions 7 of them with different variations in their name, there are more than 7 Archangels and each one is destined to protect and guide us. Every Archangel has a specific mission on Earth and their respective dominion is clearly determined by God Himself. In fact, every archangel name has the ‘el’ at the end of their names which in Hebrew denotes they are sent from God and therefore property OF GOD.
Again, the Archangels are evident in every religion as seen in: the Bible, the Torah, the Quran, and even in Mahabharata in Hinduism. Through prayer and thought we can invoke them to ask for intercession, protection, and assistance in our times of need. There are many devotions that exist for each one of the Archangels depending on our type of need or difficult situation we may be facing. The Archangel we pray through can bring the Mercy of God to us because they are uniting the celestial kingdom with the human race. God has given them each authority to be His voice.
Below is a list and a quick reference of each of the main 7 Archangels mostly sought in cards and statues. More of them may be available, but we will only look at the following:
Michael: Mentioned in Revelations 12:7-12, he is the supreme Archangel; he is in charge of offering protection against Satan and evilness. Archangel Michael represents power, strength, and faith. He works to keep order and balance in the Universe. He is mostly sought for guidance and care; also to protect those who will travel or are relocating. His name means: Who is like God?
Gabriel: Mentioned in the New Testament as the messenger who brings news to Mary bearing a child, Gabriel is associated with purity and innocence. He is the quintessential messenger. His name means "God is my strength", "the strength of God" or "man of God". Ask Gabriel for the ability to communicate and clarity to transmit your message.
Raphael : The Archangel of health and healing for he appears in biblical stories as a great healer. Archangel Raphael's name means "healing of God." His name refers not only to the health of the body, but also to the health of the soul. Ask for the protection against worry, anguish, and our daily health.
Uriel : He is the Archangel of Transformation. Uriel represents the almighty force of the spirit of life. The name Uriel means "the fire of God". When invoked, Uriel assists in prosperity, abundance, and financial stability. He also helps people with daily hard work.
Jophiel or Jophiel: The Archangel of Intelligence. He is also known as Jophiel, Zophiel, Iophiel, Iofiel, Yofiel and Youfiel. He is also thought to be Dinah, the kabbalistic guardian of the Torah and the personification of wisdom who taught 70 languages to the souls at the beginning of creation. The Archangel’s name means "the beauty of God". Jophiell looks out for inspiration and focus. Call upon him before and during exams and important decision making.
Chamuel : The Archangel of Love. His name means "he who sees God" or "he who seeks God". In addition to Chamuel, he is also known as Kamael, Camel, Camiel, Camniel, Kamuel, Kemuel, Khamael, Samael, and Shamael. He represents unity and comfort. His mission is to help us develop understanding, patience, and tolerance with one another. Call upon him for harmony between spouses, to find love, and to strengthen your friendships.
Zadquiel : If Barachiel is the Archangel of Laughter, Zadquiel is the Archangel of happiness, freedom, and diplomacy. He looks out for our transmutation of negative into positive energy. Call upon him when looking to find harmony, and when wanting to forgive. His name means "the justice of God". He is also known as Zadkiel, Hesediel, Zadakiel, Zedekiel, Zedekul, Sachiel, and Tzadqiel.
So, when calling upon the Archangels, we must visualize in our minds the need or problem we must face. Once we have cleared our thoughts, we can approach these beings with humility, sincerity, and hopefulness so we can work through struggles and fears with our guardian angel, the Archangel we call, to experience the Power of God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
May you be watched over
and protected by the power of the
today and every day to come.
May they keep YOU
and all your LOVED ONES safe
from hurt and harm, focused in your decisions,
Determined in your thoughts, healthy and prosperous,
And in the light of Jesus Christ.