16th Sunday in Ordinary Time:
Jer. 23:1-6. - Psalm 23. - Eph 2:13-18 - Mark 6:30-34

All of today's readings give us the image that God always looks for a way to shepherd his people. The messages are clear: God's promise to guide us, Unity in Christ, the Compassion of Jesus.
In Jeremiah, the message focuses on the need to have just and wise shepherds and leaders. And God promises that He will take care of the safety and growth of His people. In the letter to the Ephesians, Paul explains to us that through the sacrifice of Jesus we receive Peace. And that this act reconciles us with God and with ourselves through the same Spirit. In Mark, Jesus tells his disciples that he wants them to rest a little but when he sees so many people, Jesus feels sorry for them because “they seem to walk like sheep without a shepherd.”
God is always in charge of sending us people who will show us His love and His mercy. Sometimes we are so focused on our jobs or projects that we always try to keep our minds busy and distractions bother us. And, if we have or give ourselves a moment of stillness, the cell phone and social networks entertain us. But what do we do to try to hear and see God among the distractions? Do we meditate if we are doing well?
Our actions are what other people see. Our words are what others perceive. Do we speak badly about people we do like? Do we insult the person who cuts us off on the highway? Do we give a gesture of mercy for those who have less than us? We are God's shepherds. Sure, there are pastoral leaders in our churches, but among ourselves we must know how to be shepherds and caregivers of the love that God asks us to give.
Although Jesus wanted to rest with his disciples, he felt compassion because he knew that people wanted to know about God. And being present among them, Jesus transmitted the love of the Father. There are people who, without expecting anything in return, give of the little they have: those are the leaders that God sends us. There are people who give us a smile without us asking for it and our day does not go as planned: that is a smile of God's love saying everything will be fine. When someone shares words with us showing their vulnerability, their pain, their personality: that is the shepherding exchange that God asks us to do. And that's when the Spirit unites us.
Let us pray: Good Father, creator of all the beauty that my eyes see, I ask you to open my heart to see you, hear you, and feel you in each person I meet today. May that moment of distraction in my life be filled with light and bless us mutually because You will be present. May we be united by the same Spirit for Your glory. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.