How many times have we not seen ourselves in a serious situation where we resorted to asking God to help us? some illness that knocks on our door, or perhaps some exam at school that we must pass. When we find ourselves in great need we even seek for heavenly help. We go so far as to pray to every Saint that others recommend to us because in some way we want God to hear our prayer and ours alone. Everything around us is dark, desperate, sad. 

In the first reading, Elisha feeds the people, fulfilling the prophecy that “everyone will eat and there will still be left over.” Paul tells us in the second reading that “we are one body” and that is why we live as children of God because we have been called to be “humble and kind, understanding and to bear with each other in love.” Jesus feeds five thousand people who followed him with only five loaves and two fish. People looked for him because they needed him for miracles and to know more about the Kingdom of God.


The generosity and love of God are the main themes of this week’s reading. God through Elisha and Jesus being God feed multitudes until they are satisfied and even leftovers. God provides and He does not abandon us. But what happens after God gives us what we need? Do we continue seeking God for his love, or will we come back to Him until I need another intercession? Look at the people that Jesus fed, once they have heard the word of God and bellies satisfied, they, too, abandon Jesus - even shouted 'crucify him' after.


Our faith and our relationship with God should not be transactional and seek Him only when we need Him. We must also give from that which He has blessed us with. Share what we no longer need, that way we provide for those in need. Let us visit the sick when we are already healthy because we understand the agony of suffering through illness. It is giving thanks to God by serving others with the gifts that God gives us. Because at the end of the day EVERYONE (men, women, boys, girls, of any race or religion, from all corners of the world) is God's CREATION and that is why we are one people for God. 


Here on earth is where we must really demonstrate the love we say we have for God by also assisting and loving others. Here in this life is where God tests us to see if we are willing to follow Him through good times, bad times, disagreements, and arguments, illness and health. 


LET US PRAY: Eternal Father, I thank you for the moments in which I have felt discouraged because you gave me a smile through someone. Help me see you in each person. Teach me to feel you in every act I take towards a person. May I always be alert to recognize that we are all of the same Spirit and that by following Christ I will also reach glory. AMEN.

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