23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
In nine weeks, we will complete the ecclesiastical year. The readings are already starting to prophesy the arrival of Christ, and today, at this very moment, we need His arrival more than ever. The world is much worse than it was when He first came. The commandment to love one another has been broken since He ascended to Heaven. Isaiah (35:4-7) reminds us that "the avenging and just God is coming to save you." We just need to have faith and act according to God's law and Jesus' mandate.
James (2:1-5) emphasizes that God's love shows no favoritism. We should not distinguish between how we treat someone of high status and a beggar who crosses our path. We must understand each person's needs, including our own. Sometimes, carrying an extra bottle of water and offering it can make a difference to someone who is thirsty. It may be difficult to help financially the poor or those we see asking for money on the street, but a smile and a cordial greeting, such as "good morning" or "good afternoon," are gestures of recognition that cost us nothing.
In the Gospel (Mt. 4:23), Jesus heals a deaf-mute. Although being God, He did not need to touch him to heal him, He does so to show the disciples and the onlookers that a gesture of love and mercy can perform great miracles. Today, we are more cautious about physical contact and words that might sound offensive. However, what does not offend is to smile and accept a person as they are because everyone is a child of God, and God does not make mistakes. Everything is perfect because He is perfect.
Prayer: Father of the Universe, I ask for forgiveness for the unkind gesture I gave to my brother or sister. Forgive my thoughts that may have offended someone without them knowing. I thank You because I know that Your Holy Spirit guides me and helps me to exercise my gifts of charity and prudence. May the hand of Your Son Jesus Christ always be ready to lift me up when I fall. I entrust to You my week, my family, and my acquaintances. Amen.
23er Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario
En nueve semanas terminaremos el año eclesiástico. Las lecturas empiezan ya a profetizar la llegada de Cristo. Y hoy, en este mismo momento, en este segundo, necesitamos más que nada que Él llegue. El mundo está mucho peor de lo que estaba cuando vino por primera vez. El mandamiento de amarnos los unos a los otros se ha roto desde que el subió a los Cielos. Isaías (35:4-7) que el "Dios vengador y justiciero ya viene para salvarlos." Sólo hay que tener fe y actuar de acuerdo a la ley de Dios y el mandato de Jesús.