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Thanks in large part to Pope Francis, the Sleeping Saint Joseph has become a widely popular devotion. The Pope advises leaving a "note" under the image of the sleeping saint, as he does, asking for help when there is a problem. He said, "I have great love for Saint Joseph, because he is a man of silence and strength. On my table I have an image of Saint Joseph sleeping. Even when he is asleep, he is taking care of the Church! But like Saint Joseph, once we have heard God's voice, we must rise from our slumber; we must get up and act."


A totally unique presentation of the Sleeping Saint Joseph by Michael Adams, this statue is highly detailed and carefully hand painted.

 3.25 W x 2.25 H x 6" H


Gracias en gran parte al Papa Francisco, San José Dormido ha obtenido gran devoción popular. El Papa dice que dejar una "nota" debajo de la images de San Jose, mientras el duerme, ayuda al que le pide con fe. Él dijo, "tengo gran amor a San José, porque es hombre de silencio y de fortaleza. Sobre mi mesa tengo una imagen de San José Dormido. Ya que aún cuando duerme, el cuida de la Iglesia. Pero al igual que San José, una vez hayamos escuchado la voz de Dios, debemos despertar del sueño, levantarnos y actuar."

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